Chronicles of a Scrum master #11 : What I learnt from certification training

This month marks the second month after I attended training and certified in PSM1.

Hence, just wanted to share some of the knowledge which I have learnt from the training and hope this is of use to anyone preparing for the certification examination.

  1. Three roles, five events, and three artifacts (3-5-3)
  2. Scrum team – product owner, scrum master, developers (no stakeholders)
    1. Role 1 : Product owner – owns the backlogSprint backlog owner (and work to complete in sprint)
    2. Role 2 : Scrum master – facilitate decision making, remove impediments
    3. Role 3 : Developers – rest of team (other than PO and SM, all others considered developer e.g. tester, BA etc)
  3. Team model – creativity, quality, productivity, flexibility (CQPF)
  4. Scrum values – CCOFR (Commitment, Courage, Openness, Flexibility, Respect)
  5. Scrum events
    1. the sprint,
    2. daily scrum (15 mins),  
    3. sprint planning (8 hours or less, can involve external parties to clarify on technical or business aspects),
    4. sprint review (4 hours, can involve stakeholders),
    5. sprint retrospective (3 hours)
  6. Scrum artifacts
    1. product backlog
    2. sprint backlog
    3. increment
  7. Sprint goal (during sprint planning) and DoD (during sprint retro) – crafted by scrum team

Mock exams


Sharing experience from others on prepping as below :

  1. Study Scrum Guide 2-3 times
    2. Repeat below

– Do Open Assessment until 100% each time (similar questions did show up)

– Do Mikhail’s many times. Study the notes under the question. (similar questions did show up)

– Do Volkerdon free test few times (find it very helpful)

– Do thescrummaster free test, do internet80 free test just 1-2 times

3. During the test

– Do as fast as possible for the questions you have seen.

– Bookmark the unsure questions.

4. Read the question carefully. e.g. Choose the best, choose best 2, choose best 3, which one is untrue.

Refer to below for more details :


Official guide

PDF –,92,96



Exam notes




Disclaimer: What I am sharing is purely from my point of view and experience working with various teams as a scrum master. It does not reflect anyone else’s opinion or endorses a framework.

What I present in my posts doesn’t necessarily mean that it is applicable to your work, organization and culture but I am glad if it aids you in your agile journey.

Sincerely and with many thanks for reading my articles, Jason.

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