March .. the end of Q1 has arrived.
A major notable event is the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent impact to the world economy which was already battered by the presence of Covid for the past 2 years.
Could it be a question of greed or unsatisfied ego or just pure show off of might ? This will be one of the many wonderings for historians in the years to come.
This would be the first real war and invasion fought between two countries ever since probably World War 2.

The Next Learning Journey ….
On another note, I have decided to take another journey of learning in my expanding education, the doctor of business admin with Unitar.
After contemplating for some time and deciding that Unitar offered the most convenient course for a part timer like me (fully online), I embarked on this journey and hoping to meet and make new friends along the way.

So, please stay tuned for a chronicle of my journey through DBA 🙂